
The Need for a Framework for Resilient Cybersecurity

Dan Cybulski

There is little doubt that today our society and enterprises are more connected than ever before. The reality of internet accessible critical infrastructure, Cloud Computing, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) has stretched the capabilities of todays cyber defenses. Moreover, the expansion of enterprise architectures to include these enabling technologies has added a new level of complexity for organizations to grapple with while also drastically increasing the attack surface available to cyber actors.

It is clear that an updated approach to cyber security is needed to enable organizations to dynamically adapt to evolving architectures and advancing threats. In this mini series we will discuss the creation of a framework for resilient cybersecurity, one that offers the flexibility and adaptability to protect dynamic infrastructures from evolving threats.

To understand more about how cybersecurity is evolving to meet the needs of increasingly dynamic enterprises we sat down with the product management team from Verisign Security Services. Verisign is a leader in cloud-based security services, threat intelligence and standards-based API development that enhance Internet operations and security. According to the cybersecurity professionals at Verisign: “To protect against todays attacks organizations must expand their security ecosystems, building in flexibility from the ground up to enable them to dynamically adapt to the changing technology landscape.”

Stay tuned for more blog posts on implementing a framework that allows for unified, resilient defense of your security ecosystem including:

  • Evaluating the Threat Landscape
  • Designing for Security and Flexibility
  • Preparing for Threats and Orchestrating Responses
  • Expanding to a Hybrid Security Architecture

To learn more about Verisign Security Services check out this short video

This post was written by Cognitio and sponsored by Verisign.  Contact Us  for information on sponsoring content of your own.